NSFW: Kate Moss' Drug Mess is No Less

The Kate Moss drug situation is worsening. The rail thin supermodel has entered a 24 day rehab program, to get her act together. Worse still, she has lost her 3 main model contracts. They are the bread and butter of models. Each one can be concivably worth millions. It was primarily "Guess" that put Claudia SChiffer on the map(and Guess too, for that matter). One good contract can make a model. By the same token, you can't afford to lose one. Rumours are that Sienna Miller is poised to step in adn pick up the slack. It's great the way she's willing to help out like that. She's a real team player. I'm sure that poor Kate appreciates it too.

Kate's gotten a lot of flack, over being too thin, too young, too pretty, and too rich. The fact that things seemed to fall into her lap didn't help her image problems. She was 'picked out', and annointed as "The Next Big Thing" by the fashionistas. They were sick of the way the Supermodels were starting to flex their muscles. So they arbitraily decided to inaugerate the Age of the Waif.

The public never really took to the new 'pared down version', anymore than they liked the Japanese small car compared to the All American Supersized Gas Guzzler. Designers hoped they would be more economical. Evetually the opted for 'foreign imports' from the 3rd world. Latinas like Adriana Lima, would work, and be happy, just to live in NYC, and earn 6 figures. Having established a rep as easy to work with, the Latinas are now quickly starting to earn as much as the Supermodel predecessors. Lima made over $4 million last year.

So that leaves Kate Moss as the girl who never happened. Great things were predicted for her. The powers that be decided. You were supposed to be seeing her on magazines, TV, and possibly movies. Her handlers set out to creat a phenomenon. Too bad for Kate that it didn't work.


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