Twitter Down Time Rescheduled

After much controversy regarding Twitter's scheduled maintenance for tonight and how it conflicted with the Iran Elections, downtime has been rescheduled. Hashtags such as #IranElections and #NoMaintenance have been at the top of Twitter's trending topics all afternoon. Using Twitters own trending topics and hashtags, the twitterverse has achieved in a mere few hours something that has previously been unheard of. Twitter listens to their users.

See for yourself : Twitter Blog: Down Time Rescheduled

From the Twitter Blog:
"A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran. Tonight's planned maintenance has been rescheduled to tomorrow between 2-3p PST (1:30a in Iran)."

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