Use email for all your photo posting needs.

Why type all those crazy email addresses they give you into your phone every time you want to send a photo to the web?

Just send it to your Gmail account.

There are many services that allow you to post photos to blogs, photo accounts, and other places on the web directly from your phone by allowing you to email them to the special email address they give you for that purpose. Here, I will detail my method of maintaining a backup of all my mobile photos in Gmail while having them sent off to specific blogs and photo services.

First get a Gmail account.
For the purpose of my explanation, is your new email.
Next, simply set up a filter so all email sent to is archived, marked as read, and marked with the label Pictures. In the box marked forward to, add the email addresses given to you by your external service for photo posting through email, kept separate by commas.

This way you have a master backup in gmail, and photo posting to every one of your photo services, blogs or otherwise simultaneously.

To use it, send an attached photo from any email address or phone with email capability to It should show up as a read item under the pictures label and on all services you added the photo emails for.

Of course, you can create as many of these filters as you need for different forwarding purposes, as in for general pic posting and as a special forward to that nature photos blog you publish.

Services that I know have email photo posting features:
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