The World's First Weed ATM at Your Service!

weed atmWell for all you stoners out there it’s finally here! Your dream come true! The world’s first weed ATM! Well actually, AVM’s: Anytime-Vending-Machines.

This AVM is available 24/7, is fully secured in it’s own room, has two dispensaries, and full-time security for your protection. You must have a doctor’s consultation and prescription to use the machine. Once you do, go to the AVM, get you prescription approved, fingerprints taken, and get your prepaid credit card ready to use the machine. Then once you’ve done that, you can go to the AVM at anytime and get your vacuum-sealed weed! You are allowed up to 1 ounce a week.

The machine will be up and running this coming Monday. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be the first person to use the world’s first automated weed dispenser? What a thing to tell your grandkids!

Future plans include machine-vended pharmaceuticals like Vicodin, Viagra, and Propecia

Melrose Quality Pain Relief,
4906 Melrose Ave, Mid-Wilshire. (map)

Open 24/7


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