R4 Takes over Scotland

from Go Nintendo by

It appears that piracy is becoming a major problem in Scotland as well. The R4 is quite a hot item in Scotland, and we all know that this little guy goes hand in hand with game piracy. The authorities aren’t standing by just watching this happen though.

“Legitimate business is at serious risk from the R4 – retail, wholesale and manufacturers. It gets around the protection built into the Nintendo DS to prevent playing of unauthorized games. The R4 in effect blinds the console and makes it think it’s seeing a genuine game. Trading standards and police are finding these devices in raids on people who sell pirated games. The implications are massive. In America it’s thought 90 percent of Nintendo users are playing pirated games because of R4s. That’s the real danger – you may think you’re getting a good deal but using the R4 is risking the future of the games industry.” - John Hillier, Manager of ELSPA’s Intellectual Property Crime Unit

90% in America? If that is truly, I am absolutely shocked to find the number that high.



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